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I'm a Medical Student or Trainee

Are you a medical student, foundation or core surgical trainee?

The benefits of becoming an affiliate member:

RCS England Affiliate membership will support you throughout your training. Access advice, resources and opportunities to help you stand out from the crowd in this important time in your career, for only £15 per year. Affiliate membership demonstrates your commitment to surgery in your foundation and core application.

We now offer a first 4 membership package for UK trainees in their first four years post-MRCS. Join as an affiliate member and save an additional £180 by not paying the MRCS joining fee, bringing the total savings over four years to £512.


How to join Affiliate membership 

You can join as an affiliate member if you are a medical student studying at a UK university or a foundation or core surgical trainee (pre-MRCS). Affiliate membership is only £15 per year. 

To join:

  1. Register for an account on our website, if you don't already have one. You will receive an email with a link to verify your account.
  2. Log in and complete our short affiliate registration form, ensuring that you provide your career stage. Once submitted, the membership support team will review, normally within a few days.
  3. Once your application is accepted by the membership support team, you will receive an email with details of how to pay.

If you experience any difficulties please email or call 020 7405 3474 (option 1).

Membership benefit 1: Stay up to date

  • Online access to popular College publications The Bulletin and Annals, key sources of surgical information.
  • Regular e-newsletters keeping you up to date with news, policy and developments in surgery and dedicated specialty updates.
  • Standards, guidance and accompanying e-learning resources.

Membership benefit 2: Study support

*Please note that access to e-journals, including Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy, applies to postgraduate affiliates only

Membership benefit 3: Get ahead

  • A range of bursaries and awards for educational and learning opportunities.
  • Research fellowships, encouraging innovative surgical developments.
  • TOTUM discount in association with NUS.
  • Rewards+, RCS England exclusive membership scheme offering a range of discounts and special offers
  • Membership will demonstrate your commitment to the profession. With the support of our members, we influence and shape health policy, ensuring that key issues are addressed at the highest level.

Membership benefit 4: Career development

  • Regional events and networking, enabling you to make key contacts.
  • Volunteer opportunities to add to your portfolio.
  • Priority booking on our careers activities, including, the surgical skills competition and interview skills sessions – providing you with invaluable careers advice and skills development.


Contact us about membership



Telephone 020 7405 3474 (option 1) to talk with a member of our membership team

Office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.


Our membership office is on the ground floor of the main College building. Please ask for us at reception.


The Royal College of Surgeons of England

35-43 Lincolns Inn Fields

London, WC2A 3PE

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