Consultation Responses
The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) frequently responds to consultations on policy matters that are issued by the UK government and its agencies, Parliament and others.
Recent RCS consultation responses
In November 2022, the Royal College of Surgeons (England), provided evidence to the Public Accounts Committee inquiry on the Managing NHS backlogs & waiting times.
In our written submission to the Health and Care Select Committee as part of their inquiry into 'Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care', we make a number of recommendations to improve the recruitment, training and retention of surgeons.
In our written submission to the Public Accounts Committee as part of their inquiry into 'NHS Backlogs and waiting times', we make a number of recommendations to address the huge elective backlog, and ensure the sustainability of surgical services.
In our written submission to the Health and Care Select Committee as part of their inquiry into 'Clearing the Backlog Caused by the Pandemic', we make a number of recommendations to address the huge elective backlog, and ensure the sustainability of surgical services.
Response to NHS England consultation on integrating care (December 2020)
In our response we support the direction of travel set out by NHS England for the introduction of Integrated Care Systems. We also highlight that practical measures that enable organisations to work together effectively are just as important as legislative changes to ensuring that integration is successful.
Response to Evidence Based Interventions consultation
In our response, we support the aims of the EBI programme. We believe that NHS resource should be used wisely and proportionately, with only effective, evidence-based treatments routinely funded.
Response to Williams Review on gross negligence manslaughter in healthcare (March 2018)
In our response, we call for greater consistency around how GNM cases are initiated and investigated. There should be clearer guidance and support for hospitals, coroners, the police and the Crown Prosecution Service; mandatory training for expert witnesses; and legally privileged status for written reflections with the sole purpose of education and training.
Response to DHSC consultation on organ donation (March 2018)
In our response, we outline concerns that there is insufficient evidence that an opt-out system of itself increases rates of organ donation. Aside from legislative change, we would encourage the government to focus on other measures to improve donation rates, including investment in public awareness campaigns and infrastructure that supports transplantation services.
Response to draft health and care workforce strategy for England to 2027 (March 2018)
In our response, we detail the measures needed to secure the surgical workforce for the future, including maintaining and attracting more people to work in the NHS, extending workforce flexibility and credentialing, and improving surgical training.
Response to CQC consultation on independent healthcare regulation (March 2018)
Here we set out our views with regard to questions posed in the Care Quality Commission's consultation
Response to government consultation on NHS England mandate 2016-17 (Nov 2015)
In our response to the government's mandate to NHS England 2016-17 we have called for a much stronger emphasis on improving emergency care.
NHS England Consultation on Specialised Commissioning (April 2015)
Here we set out our views on the proposed NICE framework for prioritising treatments which are commissioned nationally.